How to take good care of your body – 12/13 podcast recommendations

Hope you are well. Here are the recommendations for the week.

When you beat yourself up for how you look

This episode was very empowering. Personal trainer and co-founder of Mind Pump Media, Sal Di Stefano explains why it does not work to beat yourself up when you want to live healthier. Only when you intend to take good care of yourself, exercise and eating well feel nourishing.

When you feel like running

It was a fun episode introducing three standout labels related to running: Tracksmith, Satisfy and, Hylo Athletics.

Hylo’s vision to create a sustainable shoe brand also reminded me of allbirds.

When you feel stuck

Mel Robbins’ 5-second rule is simple, yet powerful. Mel explains how she got herself moving by counting down from 5 to 1. It helped me too, when I don’t want to get out of bed or don’t feel like doing anything.

That’s it for this week. I will be back with more recommendations next Sunday.

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